Friday, March 19, 2010


Technology is very important in my life for many reasons. It helps me communicate with my family by using a telephone or cell phone. With technology we can travel far distances with our cars and trucks. Without technology we would all be lost in this world, there would be nothing but what the cavemen thought of and even that is some what considered technology. We use technology everyday and probably don't even realize it. Every morning when you wake up and stumble across the room and turn on the light you are using technology. When you walk into the kitchen and make a pot of coffee you are using a form of technology. We use technology every time we log onto a computer to check our email or bank account. Technology is all around us and very important to our daily life schedules.

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful post. I am very excited to see your progress in Flash and on the wiki. You have hit the ground running and have been doing great!
