Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Executive Branch

What is the Executive Branch and what do they do? There are three branches in the government and they are the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive. The Executive Branch plays a very important part in our government roles.Who ll is in the Branch? President Obama is the head of the Executive Branch. He is assisted by the vice president, the departments, and independent agencies. So what do they do? They make sure that ours nation's laws are followed and carried out thoroughly. They also make policy in different areas such as defense,education, commerce and much more. They basically responsible for "doing" the law.

Overcoming The Worse

Have you ever felt really low in one point in your life? Like you were in a hole and couldn't seem to find a way out? How do poeple overcome things they have been through?

I know I have been there before a lot of times in my life I have found myself in a deep hole searching for a way out. How did I overcome the worst times of my life?

When I down in the dumps or something tragic happened to me in time I tend to look for somone such as a trusted adult or a close friend to talk to. Sometimes I even went to talk to a thereipst when I really needed some professional help with an issue. Always remember that no matter what it is that your going through that there is always a way to get through it and come out smiling. Whenever you feel yourself getting in a hole find someone to talk to or if you have a way of fixing the problem on your own without making it 10 times worse, go for it. Everything you go through in life makes you the person you are in the future. "God only gives you what you can handle and nothing more... You just have to keep faith in yourself and in those around you!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What Makes Me Happy? :)

Has anyone ever asked you what makes you happy? All kinds of stuff make me happy from the littlest things such as waking up to sunshine streaming through my window to much bigger things like feeling my daughter moving around inside of me. Being with Edward and my family makes me happy..Seeing my little brother smile and pump his fist in his air as the basketball swoops through the net scoring the winning the game. Fishing on the lake with my dad as he teaches me new tricks to casting always made me happy. Getting up early on Thanksgiving morning to help my mom put together the last minute trimming always put a smile on my face. One thing that really made me happy was watching my sister walk across the stage at graduation in 08. All sorts of things make me happy..

Monday, March 29, 2010

Bills and Vetoes

Is it right that the President can veto a bill? There are usually two sides to this story, some people think its okay and the others don't believe that it is the right thing to do. Why is the President the one who can veto the bill? First thing, what does veto mean? Veto is basically another term for "I forbid." So when the President vetoes a bill he is basically saying he forbids the bill being passed. But on the other hand the Senate and the House can out vote the Presidential veto and then if the President decides to veto it again then the process is started over again. So now we are back to the original question, is it okay that the President has the power to veto a bill? My opinion is that yes, I think he can because he is the main one who makes the important decisions for our country. So if he believes that the bill will do no good or make things worse in our country then he has to abide by his Presidential duties and veto the bill. Others make think differently, they may think that he has no right to veto a bill. It really depends on the subject of the bill and what every ones opinion is about it, for them to make a decision whether or not they think its right that the President should veto it or not. For example if the President wanted to veto a bill that stated "No dogs allowed in public parks", and someone who doesn't like dogs wouldn't mind if the President vetoed the bill or not.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Human Rights

There are many human rights but what are the very basic ones? I believe that one of them is the right to medical attention. Medical attention is the right to see a doctor and accept medical attention. The crappy thing about it is the fact that not everyone can afford medical attention. Or when you need to see a dentist you can't afford all the visits they want you to attend. Another human right is to live without someone discriminating you. That means you should be able to go into any food place or sit anywhere you want and not have to worry about people judging them because of there race or religion.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Government and volunteers..

Why does the government depend on volunteers to help get things done? When natural disasters occur somewhere in the world it is hard for just the government to do everything themselves so when volunteers help out things can get done faster.. Volunteers help out by having fundraisers and raising money for whatever is needed during the time of disaster..During 9/11 many volunteers went to New York to help out in a major time of disaster..They all went and helped look for survivors and transport them to the nearest hospitals.. Volunteers can also help with things less major such as helping out in nursing homes and things like that. Without volunteers most things such as major disasters and such wouldn't get fixed and worked on and done as soon as we would expect them too..

Monday, March 22, 2010

House Rules

What are the house rules here at Crittenton? Which ones do I agree with and what are some rules that I believe that should be inforced?
Some of the rules here are simple such as, "Take care of yourself and your child." Or "Wear shoes in the kitchen." But as simple as they may be are they followed? Are any of the rules around here followed? I don't have an issue with the rules here, my main issue is whether or not they are being inforced.
I believe bullying is a really big problem here at Crittenton. Some girls find it funny or think of it as a way to fit in by bullying other girls. So what do we do about it? Go to staff? Why, so they can tell you to ignore it and keep your head up? They don't realize that they aren't around every second of the day or always going to be there when something happens.
No bullying should be one house rule that should be inforced and taken care of.
Most of the other house rules are simpily common sence and I don't have an issue with them. I do believe the staff and adults should start working harder to inforce the rules and make sure they are being followed.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Technology is very important in my life for many reasons. It helps me communicate with my family by using a telephone or cell phone. With technology we can travel far distances with our cars and trucks. Without technology we would all be lost in this world, there would be nothing but what the cavemen thought of and even that is some what considered technology. We use technology everyday and probably don't even realize it. Every morning when you wake up and stumble across the room and turn on the light you are using technology. When you walk into the kitchen and make a pot of coffee you are using a form of technology. We use technology every time we log onto a computer to check our email or bank account. Technology is all around us and very important to our daily life schedules.